Tag: CLS v. Hastings Law School

Filmed Four More Faith and the Law Shows on Monday

Faith and the Law is filmed once a month at the Studio at WHMB Channel 40 in Noblesville, Indiana. With a crew of about 6 or 7, we film four shows in one day. It is always a fun experience and some energy beverages really made the conversation lively.  David Storvick of the USF 2000 Chaplain of Indy Racing League Ministry was a guest on one of the shows and he will enlighten our viewers about his ministry at the Indy 500 and for the Indy Racing League and the USF 2000. Websites of interest are www.usf2000.com  www.irlministry.com.  They do some great charity work and are always looking for volunteers and donations.  We filmed one show to air tommorrow on the case before the Supreme Court with the Christian Legal Society vs, Hastings Law School. The law school stripped CLS of its recognition as a student organization at the law school because CLS  required all voting members and officers to sign a Statement of Faith which included a statement that they believed marriage to be between one man and one woman and heterosexual sex within marriage to be the moral standard. Hastings Law School said in discriminated based on sexual orientation and revoked the group’s charter at the law school. This is a very important case for Christian groups and student groups at college campuses across our country. This action of Hastings Law School not only violates the First Amendment but the Equal Access Act passed by Congress. Suprisingly the 9th Circuit sided with Hastings Law School but we are hopeful the case will be overturned. We also filmed two shows on the meaning of separation of church and state and how courts have elevated this phrase which is not in the Constitution above the First Amendment. We read some excerpts from David Barton’s book Original Intent and we hope to have David on the show soon.  We has some great quotes from our Founding Fathers including some of the original Suprme Court Justices on the importance of Christianity in founding this country and how the First Amendment was never meant to censor God out of public life.  Without God the foundation of our country crumbles. We talked about the philosphy of secular humanism and moral relativism and how it has invaded our college campuses and courts and has become the popular notion of this age. Hope to have clips of these shows on the site soon.